Tibet Museum Showcases Glimpses of the History of Tibet

DHARAMSHALA: Kalon Kesang Y Takla, Kalon for the Department of Information and International Relations of the Central Tibetan Administration, inaugurated the month-long exhibition today.

Addressing reporters at the inauguration ceremony, Kalon Kesang Y Takla said: "This exhibition, which reflects the past history of Tibet, is being organised at the growing requests from the Tibetans living in the settlements in India. The previous exhibits focused on the historical accounts of Tibet's past 50 years in exile and the Tibetan community's efforts to achieve genuine autonomy for Tibet."

"Any nation, big or small, independent or not, has its own history and we Tibetans feel proud to have our own history, identity, religion, culture and record of independence," Kalon Takla said.

"It helps to explain to the general public about the status of Tibet before the occupation and how Tibet had maintained relations with neighbouring nations such as Nepal and India, which qualified Tibet as an independent nation. It exposes the Chinese government's propaganda that Tibet is an inalienable part of China," said Kalon Takla, encapsulating the 25 snapshots of Tibet's history put on display at the exhibition.  

On January 2009, His Holiness the Dalai Lama on his visit to Auroville to inaugurate the Pavilion of Tibetan Culture suggested to work on an exhibition on the history of Tibet. Accordingly, the ongoing exhibition about Tibet's history was conceived by Mr Claude Arpi, a well-known French-born author, journalist, historian and tibetologist. He also serves as the director of the Tibet Pavillion of Auroville.

A total of 25 panels are put on display to give visitors vivid insights into the origin of Tibet, its religion and script, the three great emperors of Tibet, the institution of the Dalai Lama and the invasion of Tibet.

The Tibet Museum officials said the exhibition will be organised in the Tibetan schools and in cities across India.

The exhibition will be open to the general public from 3 May – 3 June. 

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