End the forced resettlement of Tibetan nomads

UN to send an independent fact-finding mission to Tibet "End the forced resettlement of Tibetan nomads" Within the two-year campaign since 30 May 2011 the sections of Wädenswil and Zurich together with the supporters have staged the 8th action of the second year in front of the Palais Wilson, from 11:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m, on Friday,15/02/13 to call on the United Nations to support our demands to put an immediate end to the forced resettlement of the Tibetan nomads and respect the Tibetan nomads' rights to choose their means of subsistence.

At the same time, we asked for assistance in the resumption of a genuine dialogue between the Tibetan representatives and the Chinese government to find an amicable solution of the long-standing political problems and to send an independent fact-finding mission with unhindered access to Tibet. Many press releases in F / E were distributed in the center of Geneva, slogans reflecting these requests were shouted and prayers for the benefit of all sentient beings were recited. A scene with a Yak with a nomad family was performed.

Kayta Tenzin Samphel La spoke extensively about the situation in Tibet and the human rights commissions. We hope that the UN will examine the desperate situation of the nomads and put the Tibet issue on the agenda of the UN General Assembly soon.

Chhring Norbu (TGSL Thümi Wädenswil) and Pasang Memmishofer (TGSL Thümi of Zurich and Responsible for External Affairs).

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