Tibetans in Switzerland celebrates 62nd Anniversary of Tibetan Democracy Day

Kollbrunn: Saturday, 3rd September 2022: Tibetan Community of Switzerland& Liechtenstein (TCSL) organized a commemoration ceremony on Saturday, 3rd September 2022 at Kollbrun,Switzerland, on the occasion of 62nd anniversary of Tibetan Democracy Day.

At about 1.00 pm started the Ceremony by welcoming a portraitof His Holinessthe 14th Dalai Lama to the altar on the stage with Dhung and Gyaling. Tibetan National Anthem and Tibetan Democracy song,Mangtso Sarshey led by Swiss Dhoekar (Tibetan Folklore Ensemble der TCSL )  followed by a minute of  Silence for all the Martyrs of Tibet was observed.

After the prayer ceremony for the long life of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and well-being of all sentientbeing was led by the monastic community of Tibet Institute Rikon. Tashi Sholpa was performed by Tibetan Folklore Ensemble (Dhoekar) Solcha and Dresil was offered to the Public.

Dignitaries present on the Ceremony includes Ven. Thupten Legmen, Khen Rinpoche (Abbot of Rikon Tibet Institute) ,Ms.Thinley Choekyi, Representatives of Tibet Bureau Geneva, former Chitues ,president of three traditional Provinces of Tibet ( Dotoe, Domey and Uetsang)      Ms. TseringYoudon Marsen, Presidentof Swiss Tibetan Woman Association( TFOS), Mr.Dalha Kharsar ,Presidentof Europe Tibetan Youth Asssociation( VTJE), Ms. LhawangNgorkhangsar,vicepresident of Swiss Tibetan Friendship Association(GSTF)

Ms. Karma Choekyi, President of Tibetan Community of Switzerland & Liechtenstein opened the ceremony with a welcome Speech. The official statement of Kashag (Central Tibetan Administration Dharamsala) on this occasion was read by Ms. Thinley Choekyi, Representative of Tibet Bureau, Geneva.

She urges Tibetans to respect our Democratic system and to remain observant and to commit to playing a constructive role in the democratic process.

Ven. ThuptenLegmen, KhenRinpoche, thanked all for their Support to run the institute. With concern he requested each and every tibetan to take individual responsibilities and to work together to fulfill the wishes of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and work for the benefit of Tibetan Community.

Cultural Programme were performed by the Tibetan Folklore Ensemble (Swiss Dhoekar) and three traditional Provinces of Tibet ( Dhotoe, Dhomey and Uetsang)

Annual Reports were presented by following Boardmembers:

  • Tenzin Wangdue, Vice President of Tibetan Community of Switzerland & Liechtenstein.
  • Tsewang Munsel ,Thumi of Section Aargau (Director of Tibetan School)
  • Norbu Dondup Gnewala, Thumi of Section Rikon ( Greenbook )
  • Lothritsang Palden Tsering, Thumi of Wàdenswil (External Service )
  • TsesutsangYongka, Thumi of Section Geneva ( Director of Newsletter)
  • Sara Kunga Chimey Thumi of Section Glarus (Cashier) on behalf of Accountant, Mr. Punkhang Karma Tsering,Thumi of Section Turbenthal
  • Mr.Dalha Kharsar, President Europe Tibetan Youth Association( VTJE)
  • TseringYoudon Marsen, President Swiss Tibetan Woman Association ( TFOS)
  • Lhawang Ngorkhangsar,Vicepresident Swiss Tibetan Friendship Association(GSTF)

The Event was moderated by Ms.Tenzin C Gyatso,Thumi of SectionVolketswil and Ms. TsesutsangYongka, Thumi of Section Geneva.

After the dinner, Question &Answer session was organized, which was moderated by Mr.Khartsang Dawa Tsering,Section Munchwilen-Will and Ms.Dungshar Tseten Relu,Section Landquart.

The Question and Answer Session was open to everyone to ask questions to the dignitaries /Officials includes: Ven Thupten Legmen, Abbot of Tibet Institute Rikon, Ms.Thinley Choekyi,Representative Tibet Bureau Geneva, Ms. Karma Choekyi, President of TCSL, Mr. Tenzin Wangdue, Vice Presidentof TCSL and all theThumis( Section Leaders)

The Public were given an opportunity to ask questions and share their opinions.

The Programme concluded successfully at about 10 PM with Gorshay (Tibetan Circle Dance) led by NelungTseringTopden.


Nyima Arya

For more details please check  Tibetswiss livetelecast in Facebook

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