Tibetans in Switzerland Celebrate 55th Anniversary of Tibetan Democracy Day

Over 500 Tibetans and friends gathered at the Rikon School Hall to mark the 55th anniversary of the Tibetan Democracy Day. On this occasion 55 years ago, first elected Tibetan people’s representatives took their oath of office, forming for the first time Tibetan democratic government in exile. Since then, this historic date came to be celebrated as the Tibetan Democracy Day.

The festivity in Rikon, organized by the Tibetan Community in Switzerland & Liechtenstein (TCSL) comprised of two sessions. In the morning, unlike in any other Tibetan societies, Tibetans in Switzerland exercise power of democracy to the fullest by taking part in chance to ask questions to the board of committee members regarding their work in progress. More than a dozen, enjoyed the right to put questions or had used chance to express their thoughts about the functioning of Tibetan community. The session was attended by enthusiastic crowd of more than 100 people.

In the afternoon at 14.00 pm, the second part of ceremony was opened inside the Rikon School hall. Starting with the opening ceremonies carrying the photo of His Holiness to the throne and singing the national anthem lead by the Tibetan Folklore Ensemble of TCSL. The ensemble also sang a song for the occasion. After a short prayers lead by the abbot of the Rikon Tibetan Institute there served a tea and dressy (rice delicacy) for all attendees.

Among chief guests to the ceremony includes the abbot of the Rikon Tibetan Institute, The representative of Tibet-office Geneva, Special Representative of H. H. the Dalai Lama in Europe, Europe Tibetan Parliamentarian (Chitue) and ex-Tibetan Parliamentarians, Presidents or representatives from various NGOs, the President and Vice-President of TCSL.

With an openning speech from the President of TCSL, followed by reading out of Kashag and Chitues’ speech, various Presidents of NGOs have also given a brief report of their activities. The committee members of TCSL, who are incharge for financial account, Tibetan School, Folklore Ensemble and Green Book had also delivered their progress reports to the gathered people.

To this joyous occasion Folklore ensemble and three provinces of Tibet had also preformed dances and songs. After the dinner people played rounds of tambola/housie game followed by a cozy get-together and the traditional Gorsche dances to the end.
Reported by Tsarma


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