Tibetans in Europe Stage Protest; Demand UN to Engage China Constructively

Geneva: Friday, 20th September 2019: Tibetan Community in Switzerland & Liechtenstein organized a 
demonstration paralleling the ongoing 42nd session of the UN Human Rights Council, hundreds of 
Tibetan in Switzerland & Liechtenstein, Belgium and France held protest against China’s unabated 
violations of human rights in Tibet and whined UN not doing enough in protecting the rights of Tibetans. 
Uyghur community members in Switzerland and Germany also joined the demonstration staged in front of
the United Nations Office.

Holding Tibetan National flags with an enlarged banner that called “China: Open Tibet to UN High 
Commissioner for Human Rights Now”, in front of the United Nations office, Tibetans shouted slogan 
calling “release of all political prisoners in Tibet” “Let the Dalai Lama return to Tibet” and “Wake up! Wake 
up! UNO”

While addressing the mass demonstration, Representative Chhimey Rigzen, Tibet Bureau in Geneva, 
briefed an overview of ongoing UN Human Rights Council session proceeding including UN member 
states’ that have raised and expressed concern over situation in Tibet during the session. He further 
added on behalf of UN accredited NGOs, representatives and Tibet groups have also raised the situation 
in Tibet several times, in the ongoing session.

“Under the guidance of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, unwavering courage and determination of Tibetans 
inside Tibet, establishment of Central Tibetan Administration and support from international community 
who continue to stand for freedom, peace and justice, the issue of Tibet will be resolved”, said 
Representative Chhimey. China has, and will be failed in erasing the just cause of Tibet, he added.

In his conclusion, he called every single Tibetan to pay heed on strengthening the joint efforts in 
advancing Tibetan freedom movement; do not be distracted by trivial internal discord.
The mass demonstration was also address by Representatives of various organizations including Tibetan 
community in Switzerland & Liechtenstein, Belgium and France, International Campaign for Tibet-Europe,
Swiss-Tibetan Women Association, Swiss-Tibetan Friendship Association, World Uyghur Congress and 

Norbu Tsamda, the president of the Tibetan Community in Switzerland & Liechtenstein, submitted an 
appeal letter addressed to Michelle Bachelet, High Commissioner for Human Rights, later afternoon.
The appeal letter called the UN Office for Human Rights to constructively engage with China and critically 
assess the impact of development projects in Tibet.

The appeal letter also urged the UN human rights mandate holders to press China to cease demolitions and mass evection of Larung Gar and Yachen Gar monks and nuns, push China to allow unfettered access to Tibetan areas and facilitate the earnest resumption of meaningful dialogue with the representatives of His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

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