Tibet Solidarity Rally Held in Geneva

GENEVA: Under joint coordination between Tibetan Communities in Switzerland and Liechtenstein, International Campaign for Tibet, The Tibet Bureau, World Uyghur Congress, Tibetan Youth Association Europe and Tibetan Women’s Association, ‘Tibet Solidarity Rally for Freedom of Religion and Human Rights’ was organised on 16 September 2016, in front of UN building ground (Palais des Nations) coinciding with ongoing 33rd Session of the UN Human Rights Council, to highlight the worsening situation of human rights in Tibet and East Turkestan under Peoples Republic of China (PRC).

Demonstration march started with gathering of participants in front of the UN Human Rights Office building (Palais Wilson) at 11:00 am and marched upto the UN building ground (Palais des Nations) with raising voice of slogan “Freedom for Tibet & East Turkestan”, “Long live His Holiness the Dalai Lama”, “Tibet was never Part of China” etc. By reaching the Palais des Nations, Mr Kai Müller of ICT had opening remarks of the program followed by Tibetan national anthem thereby a minute of silence in remembrance of those martyrs and suffering under Chinese brutality.

Mr Tenzin Nyingbu, President of Tibetan Communities in Switzerland and Liechtenstein, Mr Johannes Ulke, Representative of Mr Thomas Mann, MEP and President of Tibet Interest Group, Ven Golog Jigmy, former Political prisoner of Tibet, Ms Rabya Kadeer, President of World Uyghur Congress, Ms Nyima Lhamo, nice of late Trulku Tenzin Delek Rinpoche, Mr Ngodup Dorjee, Representative of the Tibet Bureau, Ven Thubten Wangchen, Tibetan Member of Parliament Europe and Mr José Amrein-Murer of Swiss-Tibet Friendship Association addressed the rally. Mr Martin Bursik, former Vice-Prime Minister and Minister of Environment of Czech Republic was among the prominent speaker and supporter of Tibet cause. Ms Lisa Mazzone, Swiss Member of Parliament was chief guest of the day and addressed the rally in support of Tibet and Uyghur.

All the speakers expressed their concern over the grim situation of Tibet’s human rights and appealed the United Nation and International communities that the issue of Tibet should not be neglected particularly with regard to Tibet’s fast deteriorating environment, which is also known by 3rd pole in terms of permafrost. They also urged China to address the issue of Tibet and Uyghur on the basis of ground reality.

Mr Kai Müller read out the statement of 7th International Tibet Support Group Conference, Brussels, statement of Tibet Justice Centre and message of Mr Richard Gere, Chairman of ICT issued for the rally.

Around 1500 Tibetans including Uyghur from Switzerland and Tibetans from France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Austria, UK, Netherlands participated in the rally. Ms Nadya Berkengeym of Tibet House, Moscow has also joined this rally to show solidarity with the people Tibet and Uyghur. The demonstration concluded by 4 pm as per sources.


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