4th action of the Second year,UN send fact finding mission to Tibet. Stop cultural genocide in Tibet!

On 19th October 2012, the Tibetan from section St. Gallen/Trogen and Luzern led a campaign in front of the United Nations in Geneva. The event was participated by about 130 Tibetans from St. Gallen/Trogen, Luzern and Geneva.
The gethered people shouted slogans demanding basic cultural and language rights for the Tibetan inside Tibet and to stop the brutal repression by Chinese Govt. This campaign was 4th action of the Second year by the Tibetan community in Switzerland and Liechtenstein, requesting United Nations to send a fact finding mission to Tibet, which was started initially in May 2011.
In between the crowed perfromed a prayer in solidarity with those 56 Tibetans who have self immolated demanding freedom under Chinese ruled Tibet.
The event was concluded with a speech from Mr. Dawa Gaytso la from Tibet office Geneva.
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