Demonstration in front of UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland

Geneva: Tibetan community in Switzerland and Liechtenstein organized a demonstration paralling the ongoing 41st session of the UN Human Rights Council in front of Palais des Nations, on Friday, 28th June 2019.

Mr. Tsamda Norbu, President of Tibetan Community in Switzerland &Liechtenstein presided the Event. He expressed deep disappointment over High Commissioner`s opening statement for the 41st UN Human Rights council`s session. He said, “There was no mention of the critical human rights situation in Tibet. Your silence on Tibet in the opening statement of the 41st UN human rights council session doesn`t reflect the true situation in Tibet.”

The Demonstration begins at about 11 am with the Tibetan National Anthem followed by minute silence for the martyrs of Tibet. Despite hot summer weather, more than 50 tibetans attended with full determination and enthusiasm. The appeal letter was read by Mr. Tenzin Wangdue (Secretary English) and the Press Release Statement was read by Mr. Tashi Dawa Menling.

Tibetans carrying national flags, shouting Slogans calling for “Human Rights in Tibet” and “Release of all Political Prisoners in Tibet” among other slogans highlighted the deteriorating human rights situation in Tibet. They called upon the UN member states and the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to hold China accountable for human rights violations in Tibet.

Addressing the gathering, Representative Chhimey Rigzen briefed about the ongoing Tibet`s human rights advocacy efforts in Geneva and called for more of collective efforts and initiatives from all Tibetans in advancing Tibet agenda at the international platform. “The human rights situation inside Tibet continued to be concerning, however, UN members states under the influence of China`s distorted facts and its economic ties, they are silent on Tibet “said Representative Mr. Chimey Rigzen.

Later in the afternoon, Mr. Tsamda Norbu, President of the Tibetan Community of Switzerland, handed over an appeal letter to the Office of Ms. Michelle Bachelet, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. Highlighting the deteriorating human rights situation in Tibet the appeal letter called the Office of High Commissioner to “press China to open Tibet and five unfettered access for independent observers and reporters to know the realities in Tibet.” The appeal further urged the High Commissioner to call China to “enter into substantive dialogue with envoys of His Holiness the Dalai Lama.”

Ms. Tenzin Wangmo, Representative of Swiss-Tibetan Friendship Association, Ms. Dekyi Santamaria , President of Tibetan Woman Association of Switzerland and Ms. Tenzin Dechen, Representative of Europe Tibetan Youth Association also addressed the gathering and expressed their concern over the abysmal human right situation in Tibet.

The event concluded successfully at about 6.30 pm with recitation of Dhentsik Monlam and Gyalwai Shapten with full devotion. Vote to thanks by Mr. Tsamda Norbu, President of Tibetan Community in Switzerland and Liechtenstein.

The 41st regular session of the UN Human Rights Council began earlier this week and concludes on 12th July 2019.

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