March 2018
"Europe stands with Tibet " – international rally at the UNO on the 59th anniversary of the Tibetan uprising day
Geneva, 10 March 2018: Tibetans and their supporters make an urgent appeal to the UN and the international community in the face of the precarious human rights situation in Tibet.
Tibetans and Tibetan Support Groups Issues Petition to the Swiss Government
Bern, 9th March 2018: Today on 9th March a group of five Tibetan organizations including Tibet Support groups as part of its ‘Europe Stands with Tibet’ initiative issued a petition to the Swiss Government highlighting prevailing challenges being faced by Tibetan diaspora in Switzerland
Read more … Tibetans and Tibetan Support Groups Issues Petition to the Swiss Government
“Europe Stands with Tibet” 59th Anniversary of the Tibetan National Uprising
The case of Tibet is urgent and dramatic. It needs the immediate attention of the international community. The organizations supporting “Europe Stands with Tibet” call upon the members of the United Nations Human Rights Council to urge China: